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  • 1.  Theatre builds self-confidence.  According to Psychology Today magazine, speaking in front of people is the number-one fear of most Americans.  We call it “stage fright.”  Everyone has it.  Working in a theatre class can help overcome that fear.  In the theatre, everyone deals with it.


  • 2.  Theatre teaches group dynamics.  Theatre is a communal experience.  It is the kind of work that involves taking responsibility, interacting with others, solving problems creatively, and accepting team challenges.  In theatre, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

  •   3.  Theatre nurtures grace under pressure.  All theatrical productions are, in effect, mini-corporations targeted toward the completion of a project within a specific time frame and budget.  Deadlines, personality clashes, and frustrations are a given - they must be handled gracefully. 

  • 4.  Theatre develops specific tangible skills.  Among these skills are voice training, movement, carpentry, painting, drafting, engineering, architecture, sewing, interior design, makeup and hair design, pyrotechnics, stage combat, and much more. 

  • 5.  Theatre offers a liberal education.  In the theatre, you work with everything you’ve got - mind, body, and heart.  Theatre calls for them all to function as one.

  • 6.  Theatre fosters creativity.  It is a chance to dream and live in a different time and space.  One enters an imaginary world and escapes the realities of everyday life for a brief time.

  • 7.  Finally, theatre is the roar of the crowd and the smell of the greasepaint.  It is an experience in which to revel, to learn, and to grow.

- Based on the work of  Daniel L. Patterson, Associate Professor of Theatre at Keene State College, and Whit Andrews, Executive Director of The Little Theatre of Winston-Salem, NC.

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